(Don't judge, we had been camping and I hadn't looked in a mirror in 4 days!)
So, what is coming? Well, I don't know exactly but I'm sure it will be really big and wonderful. Or at least this is what I am telling myself after last week...
So I wasn't sure if I wanted to share this but I think it is important to share certain frustrations in life if for no other reason than to provide others with someone who understands. We have all been there, we have all thought our lives weren't going in the direction we hoped and we have all felt unheard when it comes to our prayers, but hopefully we have overcome this and were able to see the bigger picture. So here it is...
Last week on Sunday night Dustin and I took a pregnancy test (I took the test, Dustin gave the moral support). We only took the test because I had been feeling really worn down for sometime and we thought we should double check before I ingested any medicine. Now, I have taken dozens of these tests and with the exception of the false positive I once received, the answer has always been the same "Not Pregnant" or "-" depending on the test. This night was different, the test was positive, the second test was positive, and we were elated. Even after our first fits of laughter we would scream to each other across the apartment "No Way!". We thought our almost 4 year journey of infertility was over. However, Monday night I saw signs that made me fear miscarriage. We went to the doctor the next day, took blood tests over the next two days, I had the "wonderful" exam done and we waited. But despite the sweetest of reassurances from family and friends I found out on Friday afternoon that what I had feared had come true.
Now I thought I would crumble, I thought that with all of the history, I would falter. But despite the last week having been one of the most difficult that I have done through, I am fine. Dustin is fine. And I think our faith is stronger. Since Friday I have been more acutely aware of all of our blessings and more devoted than ever to adoption because I felt what it is to know I am ready to be a mother and that there is nothing I want more. I feel more aware of other's trials and how small my own frustrations must seem to others. And I know now that because of this trial, and I am sure the many more to come, my joy will be returned ten fold.
So let me clarify my opening statement. Something big is coming to our home, but I don't know when or what, I only feel very assured that we will be taken care of in a time frame that is not our own.
So I hope I didn't weird anyone out by sharing what may be too personal, but this is my journal and the Durham story and I think sharing heps me to heal the best.
Love you all!
Lyndzee, you are wonderful. Let me add my faith to yours that our blessings will always outweigh the trials we bear. Love to you and Dustin!
You're right. There is always a better day ahead. Hang in there. “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” We will be praying for you guys.
I read your post twice and cried both times. It amazes me when I see people like you who exhibit such extraordinary faith. I think you two are simply amazing. I wish you were here so I could wrap my arms around you and give you a big hug. Since I can't, please know that I will pray for you and Dustin. Love to you both.
Lyndz, I love you! I am so sorry you're having such a hard time. Believe me, we are praying for you all the time!
Thanks for sharing such a personal and touching experience. You and Dustin are definitely amazing and I am so grateful for your examples of faith. We love you both!
Lyndzee you and Dustin are so great. You two are a true partnership and I strive to be like you guys. My heart broke for you guys when I read your blog... you are amazing, and you are right you and Dustin have great things instore.
I'm impressed by your strength and faith. I look forward with hope for you two knowing that our Heavenly Father's hand is in all of this.
p.s. I hope you ended up getting the cake finally.
My heart broke for you when I read your post today. I just recently went through a miscarriage myself and I'm just so grateful that we have our savior to turn to because he knows our sorrows. He also knows the wishes of our hearts and I know that he is mindful of you and Dustin. I admire the both of you and know that you are in our prayers, we love you!
Janie Marie
You and Dustin are amazing and I want you to know that Josh and I are praying for you and your family. Let me know if there is anything we can do for you.
I am so sorry! I don't think anything is worse than knowing you can do nothing to help your baby...I've lost 4, but you're right, something grand will follow and will make all of our trials worth it. You have always been one of my favorite people and you're in my prayers!
Wow...Your faith is amazing. I admire you so much and have since France.
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